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Multiple day discounts start at 3 days.

Tired of spending hours setting up and getting sounds for drums? We have you covered.

Our studio is always record ready. Our gear is top notch and our instruments are professional grade. See our studio equipment and let us know if you need something specific. We just may be able to accommodate.

Want to capture the experience and create content designed to help promote your music and sell your brand? Our Red Porch Productions crew is available for multiple packages, ranging from capturing your process, to cultivating a music video for the song.

Starting at the EP level we also offer a promo video package that will use audio clips from songs we have recorded along with interviews of you, B roll footage and band outings to put together a full package showcasing who you are as a band and what makes you unique to the music community.

Complimentary to our EP patrons we also offer an exit interview podcast, where you can talk about your music, your upcoming shows and tours and what it is about you that makes you stand out. No topic is off limits.

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