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Single Travel

Single Travel

Want to get out of town and record in a new environment?

We have accommodations for up to 5 band members and offer a two night/ one day recording package to get a song recorded at the top professional level, with amenities that make the process comfortable, inspiring and fruitful.

Have a free day on tour? Come on through. We can send the finalized product digitally within a short time after your stay and soon you will be able to share your work with the world.

Packages start at $500. Audio production, mixing and mastering rates may apply.

Want to capture the experience and create content designed to help promote your music and sell your brand? Our Red Porch Productions crew is available for multiple packages, ranging from capturing your process, to cultivating a music video for the song.

Starting at the EP level we also offer a promo video package that will use audio clips from songs we have recorded with interviews, B roll and band outings to put together a full package to showcase who you are as a band and what makes you unique to the music community.

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